N-avem SANGE?!
Este un program derulat de Asociatia HEM, pentru Institutul Național de Transfuzie Sanguină si reprezinta un demers amplu, desfasurat la nivel national, pentru sprijinirea donarii voluntare de sange.
Figures from the World Health Organization place Romania in the danger zone, in terms of the number of donors, with a share of less than 2%, compared to the European average of around 4%, and this is not the only problem. There is also an ageing process of constant donors and a phenomenon of single donation, for eligible donors, mostly young, donate only once and then do not return to donating.
In this context, there is an urgent need for a sustained public education campaign, as the acute shortage of blood for transfusion puts the whole of society at risk. Blood is in fact a living tissue and not just a coloured liquid, a tissue of which part can be stored for up to 42 days and another part for up to 6 days. These things are likely to make our approach even more complicated, but also to motivate us further.
Therefore, our mission is to develop and strengthen as large a community of donors as possible, and to help them understand the wonderful health benefits that regular blood donation can offer. In this regard we have here an interview with Dr. Corina Posea, one of the best haematologists in Romania: http://n-avemsange.ro/2018/06/29/150-000-de-vieti-pe-an/
Within our donor community we have structured a core of blood donation ambassadors, which we have suggestively named #bloodfluencers. Their group is here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/151237075453912/?ref=bookmarks
Bloodfluencers are donors and also people with leadership DNA, oriented towards social activism, and we want to increase the cohesion of their group, including by partnering in events such as those organized by ABRC where thousands of runners have chosen to support us.
So stay in touch with our cause, donate and tell everyone about it!